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Professional Projects

Hotline Sprint

Role: - UI Programmer and Level Designer

Engine: Unity 5 

Programming Lanaguage: C#


Hotline Sprint was among the first group projects where I had to collaborate with other student members as part of our assessment. Hotline Sprint is a robber-and-cop car 4 player chase game which is taken place in the middle of the 80s in Miami. You as the robber, you are tasked to get to the other side of the city to escape, whereas the the other 3 players that are tasked to chase and track you down. The player that is being chased receives temporary buffs throughout the chase to increase the longevity and fairness of the level. 
The map is procedural generated which means every single track the map is different that the last time to reduce repetitiveness and add "new things" to the player.

Room Escape​

Engine: Unreal Engine 4.20  

Programming Lanaguage: Blueprints


Escape Room is a stealth game made in Unreal Engine 4 as part of my assignment assessment. Keynotes of the level are, complex and yet intelligent AI handled by a behaviour tree and diverse mechanics that help the player to reach the end point of the level. You can watch the video with a commentary walkthrough to have a better understanding

Monsters and Loot

Engine: Unity 5 

Programming Lanaguage: C#

Monsters and Loot is procedural generated dungeon crawler where, each time a new level is being loaded - it loads different style of the dungeon with different sets of rooms. I have taken inspiration of the generation of the dungeon from various people - the most important was the Tiny-Keep generation. I wanted to combine this method of generation with mine so, the only thing I have taken was the triangulation which in fact is not the same as the one you will meet in Tiny-Keep, again is a customized one.

You can customize the way the generation can take place by playing around with values for how many rooms to be spawned, how big they should be, how many hallways, most of the features of the dungeon generation being fully customizable.


Framework: UG Framework (University of Glos Framework)

Programming Lanaguage: C++

Breakout is retro pong style game that I attempted to create it with a specific C++ framework given by the university. Here, is a video for better understanding.

Hobby Projects

Besides working on these awesome projects for my university assignments and game jams, I always want to try new things and I started to work on hobby projects, to improve my capabilities in programming languages such as C++ and C# and to learn new ways of creating game levels, data structuring etc.

One of my first game projects that I decided to work on, which I'm currently still working on whenever time permits is remake game for an old RTS that I loved so much and that made me who I am today, learning my path into programming. The RTS game that I'm currently working on is based on LoTR: War of the Ring which was developed by Liquid Entertainment.
There is a
reddit post that I made to let the people know of my intentions and surprisingly I have received quite a lot of positive comments, which keeps me motivated to manage to finish the remake.

The project is still in early stages of developing since I require better understanding in modular programming so it will ease my developing stage. I will make a blog and keep updated the fans with the work I have done.
Underneath is the progress that I made so far.

© 2019 by Theodor Danciu.

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Hotline Sprint
Escape Room
Monsters and Loot
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